World of Civilization

How do our inventions and technologies affect our lives and the environment? And how can we actively contribute to steer our life on Earth in a more positive direction? World of Civilization will give you the answers and reasons to all the “how can we do better?” questions you might have been asking.

Realize how people transform nature to their benefit and how we should manage our natural resources. Find out how we can further process the ever-increasing amount of waste generated on our planet, and thus reduce the burden on the environment. Learn how energy is generated through different means and resources, and distribute it around the city by playing around in a power station control room.

The goal of the exhibition is to raise awareness and highlight certain issues that have been a daily topic of discussion when it comes to our environment. The exhibits showcase innovations and solutions to various environmental issues, including circular economy, water and energy consumption, rising carbon levels or recycling.

This exhibition has been realized as part of the project “FUTUROVA!!! – Find your place in the future” with the financial help of the statutory city of Ostrava.


World of Science and Inventions

In a total of five thematic areas, the exhibition emphasizes the structures of the world around us and the technologies we encounter or will do so more and more often in the future. Visit Robolab and meet our humanoid robots Pepper and Nao, take a closer look at the world of 3D printing, test out artificial intelligence, or VR games. In Mathematics and Physics we will show you that it is not just the dreaded school formulas but rather a whole lot of fun! See the world through microscope in the Nano and Micro section, or find out all about the fascinating world of Medical Technology.


  • Robolab
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Nano and micro
  • Medical technology

World of Nature

Get to know the world around us through our exhibition about nature which is divided into eleven themed sections about the human body, energy, light, the universe, motion, or iron. Try out all of the interactive exhibits and try to catch fish like a dolphin, put together the human body, launch a hydrogen rocket, climb up our majestic tree to try out photosynthesis, or play with a classic Czech construction toy set Merkur which was used to build the first prototype of a machine making contact lenses. An exhibition with such name wouldn’t be complete without a piece of real nature, though – a part of the exhibition is also our rooftop garden which covers an area of 2,000m2 and lends a piece of greenery to the industrial surroundings.


  • Oasis of Light
  • Oasis of Electricity
  • Oasis of Iron
  • Oasis of Universe
  • Oasis of Motion and Force
  • Oasis of Food
  • Oasis of Animals
  • Oasis of a Tree
  • Oasis of Human
  • Rooftop Garden

Theatre of Science

Are you a fan of fire and lighting matches seems a little boring? Try our science show! Our scientists will show you some of the coolest scientific experiments, colourful flames, or blow you away with hydrogen bombs – all of that, without hazarding anyone’s safety, and while having so much fun!

Light your inner fire for science and visit our science show!

  • every Friday-Sunday 11:00, 13:00, 15:00
  • shows can be seen at the Theatre of Science on the 3rd floor
  • all visitors who have purchased their ticket to visit the main exhibition of the science center, are eligible to visit the cinema


If you’ve had too much walking around the science center, come relax in the seats of our cinema, and enjoy one of our films! The cinema of 194 seats boasts with huge projection screen (18*10 metres) from Barco which provides the quality of Hollywood cinemas.

We always offer screenings of exciting science-themed films that are packed with both, action and information. So just settle into your seats and dive into adventure.

All visitors who have purchased their ticket to visit the main exhibition of the science center, are eligible to visit the cinema.

  • You can purchase the cinema separately (CZK 90/person).
  • With a ticket to visit Children’s World, Interactive Technical Museum U6 or our temporary exhibition, you can purchase the cinema ticket separately at a discounted price (CZK 50/person).
  • Minimum number of 12 people required for the screening to take place.
  • You can find the cinema on the ground floor of the Great World of Technology.
  • Screening times: 10:30, 12:00, 16:00

3D Animal Kingdom (Wed, Fri, Sun)

Animal Kingdom is a stunning exploration into what makes our natural world so spectacular.  An educational journey from A-Z, the film introduces junior audiences to animals from all over the world and explores the ways in which we can help to protect them.

2D movie 3-2-1 START! (Tue, Thu, Sat)

3-2-1 START! is an animated adventure film that tells a story about Elon, a hamster who finds a robot fallen from the Earth’s orbit. The robot’s spaceship is going to leave soon and there is only so much time left. Will Elon manage to get the robot back on his ship in time?

Žít normálně

The lives of people with a disability can be difficult. We may wonder how they are able to work, do sports, move around their house, and yet we won’t realize how we take some things and our ability do the most basic tasks for granted.  Thankfully, technology has developed a plethora of assistive devices and disability aids to overcome the challenges and cope with the limitations.

Our original exhibition Žít normálně (which could translate as “To Live an Ordinary Life”) will show you the world of disability from the hopeful and exciting perspective of how technology helps in the daily lives of disabled people.

Come on in and visit an apartment of a person in a wheelchair and try out all the different aids that help them in their day to day. Try different sports – shoot on a target with a blindfold or sit in a para hockey sled and attempt to shoot a goal! Get to know various aids, tools and tech used for both, physical and mental disabilities.

This exhibition was realized with the support and funding of Moravian-Silesian Region and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, within the Operation Programme Employment Plus.

  • the exhibition can be found on the 2nd floor